Honey and Milk Face Mask | Easy way To Get Clear Skin

Honey and Milk Face Mask

Today I will share with you a very simple and effective homemade face mask. In this homemade face mask, we use only two ingredients - honey and milk. The best part of this face mask is that honey and milk are always available in your kitchen.

Try this Milk and Honey Face Mask that keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day. Milk and Honey face masks are considered cleansers. It cleanses your skin naturally and removes all types of dirt present in your skin pores. Which brings the glow to the face. Also, you can enhance your beauty with it.

Honey and Milk Face Mask

Honey and Milk Face Mask

The properties present in honey and milk help in improving the skin tone. Just apply the honey and milk face mask on the face for reducing all skin problems like- pimples, wrinkles, and stains. By applying this face mask all the problems of the face gradually disappear.

Ingredients:  Honey and Raw milk.

How To Make:
  1. Take One tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of raw milk. 
  2. Now soak cotton in this mixture and apply it to your face.
  3. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then wash your face with lukewarm water.
  5. Use it daily for a few weeks.

How it works: Honey moisturizes the skin. At the same time, milk can clean your face easily. This face mask can make the skin soft and shiny.

Q. Any side effects of face pack of honey and milk? Honey and milk face pack are less chance to cause any allergic reaction. But sensitive skin cannot tolerate milk because the pH of the milk is slightly acidic. Similarly, honey can cause redness, burning, swelling, or itching on the skin.


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