How To Fix Cracked Heels Permanently - DIY Cracked Heels

Do you have deeply cracked heels? So don't worry, here are some home remedies to permanently fix cracked heels.

How To Fix Cracked Heels Permanently

Cracked heel problems have become common in every woman and man. These cracks can be painful and may also bleed. Cracked heel problems occur more in winter than in summer.

Also, Read This: You can pedicure at home.

How to heal deep cracked heels? - Everyone who is troubled by deeply cracked heels thinks this.

If you do not want to face the problem of deeply cracked heels, then start taking care of the feet in time!!!
Here we will give you some Homemade Remedies to fix Cracked Heels Permanently and make them beautiful too. 
Before knowing the home remedies for chapped heels, we will discuss some causes of the chapped heels.

What Causes of Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels are a common health problem. It is caused by dryness of the foot skin and accumulation of dead skin. Over time it may cause pain and irritations. 

It is generally caused by insufficient moisture on your feet. 
Seriously cracked heels can occur for a lot of reasons.
  • Lacking moisture: This is the most common cause of cracked heels.
  • Deficiencies: Lack of vitamins, minerals, and zinc in your diet.
  • Pressure: Stay a long time standing can stress the skin on your heels.
  • Aging skin: Thick, dry, scaly skin loses its elasticity with age.
  • Disorders: The athlete’s foot, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid disease, diabetes, and some other skin conditions can be the cause of cracked heels.
  • Obesity: Being overweight can increase the pressure on the fat pad under the heel.
  • Genetics: Naturally dry or thick, dry skin around the heel could be a genetic cause of cracked heels.

How To Fix Cracked Heels Permanently

1. Vaseline For Cracked Heels:

Ingredients - Hot Water, Vaseline, and 4 to 5 drops of lemon juice.

How to use: 
  • Take one bucket of lukewarm water. Now Soak your feet in lukewarm water for about 15-20 minutes. Dry your feet after soaking. 
  • Mix one teaspoon of  Vaseline and a few drops of lemon juice. 
  • Now apply this mixture to the cracked heels and massage it so that the mixture gets inside the skin. 
  • After applying the mixture, keep warm socks overnight. (Warm socks will help maintain body warmth, which will also benefit ankles).
  • Then wash the feet the next morning. Do this process daily before sleeping at night.
Why This Work: The acidic properties of lemon and the moisturizing properties of Vaseline give you relief from cracked heels.

2. Vinegar For Cracked Heels:

Ingredients -Hot Water, one cup of Listerine, and one cup of white vinegar.
How to use: 
  • Take one cup of Listerine, one cup of white vinegar, and 2 cups of water. 
  • Now Soak your feet in the mixture for 15-30 minutes. 
  • Remove your feet, and scrub them with the help of a pumice stone to remove dead skin. 
  • Wash your feet with clean water. Dry and moisturize your feet.  
  • Repeat every day.
Why it works: Listerine contains thymol and alcohol, which help to fight toenail fungus, cure cracked heels, soothe skin, and treat plantar warts. The mild acids present in vinegar soften dry and dead skin, making it easy to exfoliate.

3. Coconut Oil For Cracked Heels:

Ingredients - 2 tablespoon coconut oil.

How to use: 
  • Massage your feet with coconut oil on each cracked heel. 
  • Cover your feet with socks after the massage. 
  • Repeat this every night for a few days to get soft feet. 
    Why This Work: Coconut oil helps to heel cracked heels and hydrate your skin. It moisturizes your dry skin and also removes dead skin cells. It is a natural sanitizer and helps to kill germs that could lead to infection.

    4. Vegetable Oil For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients - 2 teaspoons vegetable oil.
    How to use: 
    • Soak your feet in lukewarm water for 5-10 minutes. 
    • Wash your feet and dry them using a clean towel. 
    • Then take vegetable oil. Apply it and massage it properly on the cracked heels. 
    • Wear a pair of socks and leave them overnight. 
    • Wash your feet in the morning. 
    • Repeat it every day before going to bed.
    Why This Work: The vegetable oil is contained with fats that can nourish your damaged and cracked heels.

    5. Banana For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients - 1 Ripe Banana.How to use: 
    • Take one ripe banana and Grind it. 
    • Apply the pulp on your damaged area to hydrate your dry feet.  
    • Leave it for about 15 - 20 minutes. 
    • Then rinse it with lukewarm water.
    Why This Work: Banana works as a moisturizer and the best way to make your skin softer and smoother. It can help Fix Cracked Heels Permanently.

    6. Oatmeal For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients- Milk and oatmeal.

    How to use: 
    • Take 2- 3 tablespoons of oatmeal powder and add enough milk to make a thick paste by mixing it together. 
    • Apply this paste over cracked heels and leave it for 30 minutes. 
    • Rinse with lukewarm warm water and later apply some petroleum jelly. 
    • Repeat it once a week.
    Why This Work: Milk work as a natural moisturizer. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties that help get rid of dead skin.

    7. Neem paste(Indian lilac) For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients: Neem leaves, turmeric, and a few drops of honey.

    How To Use:
    • Take a handful of neem leaves and grind it into a fine paste. 
    • Now, add a pinch of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey to the mixture. 
    • Apply this neem paste on the cracked heel and leave it for 30 - 40 minutes. 
    • Wash your feet with lukewarm water and moisturized them. 
    • Use this daily to fix cracked heels Permanently.
    Why This Work: Neem has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which are helpful to get rid of the cracked heel. Turmeric can do wonders to give you soft and smooth heels. 

    8. Egg Mask For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients: Lemon and Egg.

    How To Use:
    • Beat an egg yolk with one tablespoon of lemon juice. 
    • Add one teaspoon rice flour to make a smooth paste
    • Apply to the affected areas and leave it for 15 - 20 minutes. Wash with cold water.
    •  Repeat this once a week for better results.
    Why This Works: Lemon and egg both are good for the skin. It can provide immediate relief from the cracked heels when used together.

    9. Glycerin For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients: Glycerin and rosewater.

    How to Use: 
    • Take one tablespoon of glycerin, two teaspoons of rosewater, and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. 
    • Mix it and apply this on your cracked heels. Wear a pair of socks after the application before going to bed. Leave it overnight. 
    • Do this daily before going to bed to fix cracked heels fast.
    Why This Works: Glycerin is one of the best moisturizers, and applying it on the cracked heels will help with the healing process. 

    10. Paraffin Wax For Cracked Heels:

    Ingredients: 1 tbsp of Paraffin wax and 1/2 teaspoon of Coconut/mustard oil.

    How To Use:
    • Take paraffin wax and melt it and add coconut or mustard oil to it. 
    • Wash your feet cleanly and wipe them off properly. 
    • After wax getting lukewarm then apply it on the cracked heels.
    • Cover it with socks or towels and leave it overnight. 
    • The next morning, wash your feet with lukewarm water. 
    • Do this once a week.
    Why This Works: Paraffin wax is a natural way to soften your skin, which helps to heal a deep cracked heel. It works perfectly on cracked heels.

    How To Fix Cracked Heels Permanently - DIY Cracked Heels


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