Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Skin ~ Cure Dry Skin

Having dry skin can be uncomfortable and itchy.  To Get rid of dry skin follow home remedies. Home remedies will help you to cure dry, flaky skin on the face instantly.

Powerful Home Remedies for Dry Skin

How is your skin?  According to that, we have to take care of our skin and beauty. Generally, there are three types of skin - oily, dry, and normal. Each type of skin has its own complications as well as they need separate care and treatment.

But we will talk about dry skin. Dry skin is also known as xerosis in medical Language, which is a common medical problem of the skin. Dry skin means facing tightness and roughness in the skin.

It occurs when the topmost layer of our skin loses its ability to retain water/moisture inside itself, thus the skin dry. So it is important to moisturize your dry skin.  

So here we will discuss the Causes of Dry Skin. Also will know about what are home remedies to get rid of dry skin, It will moisturize your skin inside.

Causes Of Dry Skin:

Before treatment, The first thing we should aware of is the cause of dry skin. Dry skin occurs in men, women, the elderly, the young as well as children. It can be either internal or external.

Internal factors: Thyroid, asthma, certain allergies, psoriasis, and eczema

The external factors: Extreme cold climate, lack of humidity, usage of harsh chemicals product, soap, and detergents. 

Intake of certain drugs may also be the cause of dry skin. There are some more causes of dry skin, which are:

  • The skin becomes dry due to the lack of nutrition in the body.
  • In winter, the cold air steals moisture from your skin Which makes your skin look dry.
  • Too much exposure to ultraviolet or UV rays can cause sunburn and dry skin.
  • Taking a hot water bath makes your skin dry.
  • The chlorine in your pool water can make your skin dry and itchy.
  • People may be at risk of getting dry skin due to aging.
  • Too much scrubbing on the skin is also a cause of dry skin.
  • Researchers say that dry skin can also be a Genetics problem. 
  • Stress and depression can cause oily skin or dry skin.

Causes Of Dry Skin

Home Remedies For Dry Skin:

Our home's kitchen is full of magical ingredients that can give us soft and supple skin. Let's know about these home remedies that can rid of dry skin.

1. Milk Cream And Turmeric For Dry Skin:

Milk Cream can relieve you to get rid of dry skin. Milk contains lactic acid, which helps to lighten your skin and remove dead skin cells.

Milk Cream And Turmeric For Dry Skin

Method - Mix the cream and turmeric well. If you want, you can also add 1/2 tsp of honey. Now after mixing the paste well, apply it to your face. Leave the paste dry on the face. 

Apply this face pack twice a week.

2. Orange Juice And Aloe Vera For Dry Skin:

Oranges contain vitamin C, Which reduces hyperpigmentation and relief from suntan. The antioxidants present in it keep the skin away from aging and relieve wrinkles. Aloe vera hydrates your skin and keeps the skin moist. furhter you can also check a new product called luminesce skin care that will really help your skin glow. 

Orange Juice And Aloe Vera For Dry Skin

Also Read This: Homemade Aloe Vera Face Pack For Glowing Skin.

Method - Take all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them. You can also add 1 vitamin -E capsule(optional). Now apply it to your face and soak it in your skin for about 15-20 minutes. Then wash. 

Apply this face pack once a week.

3. Oats Face Pack For Dry Skin:

Oatmeal is full of inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that moisturize the face. It makes your skin tight, eliminates dryness, and removes wrinkles. If your skin has become quite dry and lifeless, then you should definitely apply an oatmeal face scrub. This face pack works well for dry and itchy skin.

oats face pack for dry skin

Read This: Banana Dream Facial Mask For Dry Skin - Remove Dry Skin.

Method: Mix well all the ingredients and make a smooth paste. Now take some on-paste on your fingers. Apply it and start scrubbing your face and neck upwards in circular motions. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Use it once a week.

4. Carrot Juice For Dry Skin:

Carrot juice contains plenty of vitamin A which increases your skin tone, reduces wrinkles and pigmentation. The lactic acid present in the sour cream removes dead skin cells. It makes your skin retain moisture. Corn starch can help soothe irritated skin. It helps to remove sunburn.

Carrot Juice For Dry Skin

Try This: Remove blackheads and whiteheads ~ Cornmeal to get rid of blackheads.

Method: In a bowl, take carrot juice, sour cream, and corn starch. Mix it and apply a thin layer to your face. Leave it for about 10 -15 minutes and rinse. 

Apply it twice a week for the best results.

5. Turmeric For Dry Skin:

Curcumin present in turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant element that helps to treat dry skin. Turmeric enhances your beauty. Olive oil provides natural moisture to dry skin. It has many antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin K, nutrients, and anti-aging benefits.

Turmeric For Dry Skin

Read This: Homemade Turmeric Cream | Skin Whitening & Anti-Aging Turmeric Cream

Method: To prepare this paste mix honey, curd, and olive oil or coconut oil in turmeric powder. Now apply this paste on your face and after 10 to 15 minutes when it dry, wash the face with water.

Try to apply this face pack twice a week to get rid of dry skin. 

💡Do you know that bathing with plain water cleanses up to 85% of the skin? But the neck, underarms and private parts should be cleaned daily. Other body parts don't require daily washing with soap.

6. Glycerin For Dry Skin:

Glycerin is an excellent moisturizer for the skin. It keeps the skin hydrated and refreshed. If you have dry, scaly skin, then glycerin is the best solution for you. Glycerin maintains the pH balance of your skin.

Glycerin For Dry Skin

Method:  In a bowl, take Glycerin and rose water. Mix it and apply it to your skin. Let it stay for 10 -15 mins and wash off with lukewarm water.

Use it once regularly.

7. Sandalwood Powder For Dry Skin:

Sandalwood has moisturizing properties which are very beneficial for dry skin. The natural oils present in it give relief from skin dryness. Sandalwood Powder Face pack makes your skin soft.

Sandalwood Powder For Dry Skin

Method: Take coconut oil or almond oil, turmeric powder, and Sandalwood Powder. Mix it and apply it to the skin. Leave it overnight on your skin and wash it the next morning.

Apply it once a week.

Some More Tips to Get Rid Of Dry Skin:

  • Don't Rub the Skin:  Never Do this after bathing. It damages your skin and the skin becomes dry. Always dry the body with the help of a soft towel with light hands.
  • Moisturize: Moisturize the skin when the skin is slightly wet. Because after bathing, the pores of the body open and due to which the moisture gets easily into the skin. It is very beneficial for dry skin.
  • Honey: Honey is very beneficial for dry skin because it is a natural moisturizer that makes your skin soft easily, using it also reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Using it directly on the face and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Water: Water is essential for your skin, especially for dry skin.  If you want to get rid of dry skin, then you should drink plenty of water. It makes the skin moisturized from the inside, which keeps the skin soft. Drink at least 2 liters of water during the day.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil gives essential nutrition to the skin. Apply coconut oil on your dry skin before going to bed and massage it gently with your hands.
  • Lemon:  Lemon makes the skin soft and supple. Apply lemon juice on your face and neck. Leave it for a few minutes. Do this twice a week.
  • Mild soap and cream: Always use mild soap and cream on your dry skin.
  • Consume Omega-3s: Eat foods that can repair your skin and body. Foods containing antioxidants and Omega-3s help your body to make new cells. It helps to moisturize your skin and fight dry, or itchy skin. Some such foods which are good for the skin are tomatoes, carrots, flax seeds, lentils, peas, walnuts, and salmon.

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