Common Hair Problems and Solutions: Solution to all hair problems

Common Hair Problems and Solutions

Just as our skin problem is different, similarly our hair problem is also different. Some people suffer from dry hair, and some are troubled by frizzy hair. So in such a situation, Here we will discuss some common hair problems and solutions. It is about common hair problems like dry hair, hair fall, greasy and frizzy hair. 

These solutions are absolutely homemade and are easy to apply.

Common Hair Problems and Solutions

Solution to all hair problems

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1. Dry Hair Problem Solution: 

If you are suffering from the problem of dry hair then you should know that dry hair develops when your hair does not get enough moisture or moisture is retained in it. For dry hair solution, oil massage on hair is one of the most popular home remedies for dry hair. 

You Can Use These Oils for Best Results: 

Coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil and castor oil. These oils are rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. It helps seal the outer layer or cuticle of the hair from moisture. It will help to repair damaged and dry hair

How to Use These Oils: 

Choose one oil to massage your hair. Now heat half a cup of oil or take oil according to your hair. Massage it gently into the hair for a few minutes. Cover the hair with a warm towel. Leave on for 30 to 45 minutes or overnight. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. This treatment will give shine and moisture to dry hair.

2. Hair Loss Problem Solution: 

Nowadays, Hair fall is a common problem. But excessive hair fall is a matter of concern. In such a situation, this one home remedy can get rid of the problem of hair fall.

Onion is one of the best home remedies to stop hair fall. Onion juice contains Sulphur, which makes hair strong and thick as well as promotes hair growth.

Ingredients: 1 or 2 Onions.

How To Use: Peel the onion and cut them into small pieces. Grind them or grate them. Now take out the onion juice in a bowl with the help of a sieve.

Apply the juice well on the scalp and hair roots. Wait for one hour and then wash your hair. 

Alternative: Peppermint, lavender, and lemon juice can be added to reduce the smell of onions.

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3. Greasy Hair Problem Solution: 

The main reason for excessive greasy hair is the excessive production of sebum in the hair. Aloe vera can help you in getting rid of greasy hair. Aloe vera is an effective way of removing excess sebum oil and residue from your hair. It will also help keep your hair looking healthy and shiny.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel,  2tbsp of lemon juice and 3-4 tbsp of any shampoo. 

How To Use: Mix these ingredients well. Use it as a shampoo. Do it two times a week, and you will get rid of greasy hair.

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4. Frizzy Hair Problem Solution: 

Pumpkin puree is loaded with antioxidants that can help protect your hair from external pollution and UV rays. Pumpkin contains fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E, which helps your scalp retain enough moisture. This treats your dull, damaged and frizzy hair.

Ingredients: One tablespoon of honey and one cup of pumpkin puree. 

How To Use: Take honey and pumpkin puree in a small bowl. Combine it and apply the mask to your hair. Pull your hair up into a loose bun and cover it with a shower cap. After 15 min, take the shower cap and rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

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